Osteopathy Without Borders
Mason, Graham
ISBN 13: 9781803810423

Osteopathy Without Borders

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Osteopathy without borders explores the science application of osteopathic medicine. The reason for the title is that osteopathically I explore the interrelationships of the anatomy and physiology. It is a book for those intending to use the involuntary mechanism to treat their patients, it is aimed at students and practitioners alike and is basically a compilation of my lectures that I have given over the years. I look at how to palpate and how the membrane surrounds the brain and the spinal cord. I explain in depth the anatomy and applied anatomy of the human face, how movement is transferred from the sphenoid to the maxilla. Before you can treat the face and oropharynx it is essential that the practitioner has a firm understanding of the mechanics and how all the structures interrelate. The book allows the student/practitioner to look in detail at the auditory/ eustachian, the temporo-mandibular joint, trigeminal neuralgia, the sinuses. I explore the sacrum and the part it plays in the mechanics of the whole body how the shoulder can have a profound effect on the movement and hemodynamics of the cranial base and the face. The final chapter is on the development of the infant cranium, the examination and treatment of babies and neonates. It covers neonatal respiration, history taking and osteopathic techniques and management of neonates, babies and children

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