Inherently Fallible: Life Lessons From A Father
Janes, Shawn
ISBN 13: 9781954819061

Inherently Fallible: Life Lessons From A Father

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"We've talked about this."

There is a maddening truth that only parents know about the unsolicited advice we offer our children. Although shared with hopes of preventing our children from reliving our mistakes, it seems to merge with everything else as it passes through one ear and out the other, lost in their internal hard drive and often followed by the infamous eye roll. That is, of course, until they get the same advice from someone else. It could be a friend, teacher, relative, boss-whomever-and it's as if they have never heard it before. That thing you may have said a thousand times is now their new religion because of an experience they had or something they heard from another person. That was the catalyst for this book: creating a tangible reference of life lessons for young adults-everything I wish I knew before age twenty-five.

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