Finding Los Angeles By Foot: Stairstreet, bridge, pathway and lane
Inman, Bob
ISBN 13: 9780979795541

Finding Los Angeles By Foot: Stairstreet, bridge, pathway and lane

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This book is about finding what is notable, historical, quizzical and beautiful in this great city while walking. It is about learning and using pedestrian-ways where a car may not go: public stairways, walk streets, pedways and pathways. This guidebook describes nearly 500 walkable passages and over 300 great things to see while you are there. From Highland Park to Venice, from Beachwood Canyon to San Pedro, 29 great walking neighborhoods are covered by 40 annotated maps drawn just for the urban explorer on foot. The book includes 150 photographs. The author has led hundreds on LA city walks and he narrates 23 of his favorites inside. Described are 175 miles of walking from Palos Verdes to the Arroyo Seco, from Boyle Heights to Rustic Canyon. This is a book about history, about architecture and about neighborhood character. Discussed are pedestrian and planning issues in Los Angeles. Included in the back is a concise directory of 336 public stairways in Los Angeles and its surrounding communities. Also covered is the history of the "Inman 300", America's first urban thru-hike. This is the Black and White interior edition revised with edits January 2014.
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