Meta-Quanta: A Thought-Experiment in Time: Absent Time
Allen, Michael W
ISBN 13: 9781663250995

Meta-Quanta: A Thought-Experiment in Time: Absent Time

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Instantaneous quantum entanglements, Einstein's "spooky actions in the dark," have been a controversial subject in physics for over 100 years. Human consciousness is an integral part of this phenomenon. Physics cannot ignore entanglement or human consciousness, but has yet to find a way to explain these realities in a cogent manner. Meta-Quanta is a thought-experiment seeking to address these concerns. The enigma of human consciousness within entanglement, together with quantum theory and relativity, when observed from a state absent time, gives agency to imagining a viable reality to the conundrum of instantaneous entanglement as seemingly unbounded by the speed of light. This perspective also enables mega-macroscopic strands of time demonstrating mirror symmetry to the ultra-microscopic superstrings of physics. This thought-experiment does not suggest that the myriad questions of millennia have been answered. This is but another what if experimental moment, a point of observation empowering freedom or thought, absent traditional boundaries. Engaging our universe from this perspective envisions the intrinsic relationship between philosophy, physics, psychology, dream theory within psychology, and theology owning new dimensions of ideation in the continuing intellectual struggle to answer humanity's eternal questions regarding what we are, where we came from, and why we are here.
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