Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales
Douglas, George
ISBN 13: 9781608642403

Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales

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This is a classic and important collection of Scottish folklore and fairy tales. Douglas's collection appeals to all ages. The editor includes numerous and diverse tales. There are mysteries of animals, stories of the fairies, Brownies, Bogles, Kelpies, Mermaids and others, and tales of Witches. Some tales may be familiar from the traditional of European folklore, but all are presented here with a Scottish flavour.

Included in this collection are stories of "The Strange Visitor," "How the Wolf Lost His Tail," "The Smith and the Fairies," "The Scottish Brownie," "The Witches of Delnabo," "The Witty Exploits of Mr. George Buchanan," "The Haunted Ships," and many other wondrous, and often comic, tales.

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