The Captivated Audience: Hoaxes, Illusions and the Biblical Earth: Hoaxes, Illusions and the Biblical Earth
Olivares, Ramon
ISBN 13: 9781087904948

The Captivated Audience: Hoaxes, Illusions and the Biblical Earth: Hoaxes, Illusions and the Biblical Earth

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An entertaining page-turner that could change your worldview. Some of the scientific theories that we have been indoctrinated to believe as inherent truths of our universe will be challenged. Figure out why Edwin Hubble states that "the hypothesis of Earth being the center of the universe cannot be disproved but it is unwelcome and would be accepted only as a last resort." The subject matter is controversial and very disturbing for some readers. The subjects discussed include the lunar landing of 1969, Antarctica, Illuminati, and the Flat Earth and more.

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