True To The End: A Journey Into the Burdens and Risks of Executorship
Dechant, Germaine
ISBN 13: 9781039106932

True To The End: A Journey Into the Burdens and Risks of Executorship

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True To The End is a unique offering that invites readers into the world of end-of-life decisions and the execution of a last will and testament.

Germaine Dechant is called to British Columbia to say goodbye to her dear friend, Marilyn, for the last time. Upon Marilyn's passing, Germaine begins fulfilling her promise to serve as the Executor of Marilyn's estate. She writes with keen insight sharing her insecurities and concerns with diligent honesty as she leads her readers through the intensity of her Executor journey. She describes the challenges the Executor faces while coping with profound grief and the demands of life's unexpected turns.

Germaine's humanity, vulnerability and transparency shine through this compelling and substantive journey which highlights the enduring power of friendship, family, perseverance and hope, the things that save us in the most difficult of times.

Woven through this heart-warming, engaging and timely narrative is a fascinating window into the world of Executorship offered in a way that is accessible to a broad audience. True to the End serves as a powerful reminder that stories have the power to heal, to inform and to change our lives - a must read for your next book club discussion.
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